
Brief Overview

The Fae people are tiny, winged creatures that are able to grow to human sizes. They originated in an illusory realm called the The Fayde, a realm that functions as a parallel to Eden, however, things there are abnormal. The Fae are an immortal race that were created by Oma, goddess of illusions as illusions themselves. They are incredibly gifted with Tari, especially illusion-based magic.
It wasn't until a Faeling named Eddiq made a deal with Irde, god of Natura, and Myamya, goddess of growth, that the Fae were finally able to find a way to become real physical creatures.

General Overview

Fae are renown for two main things, their mischevious manerisms, and their abnormal affinity for raising powerful spellcasters. Due to this, their reputation across the rest of the Mortal realm implies that they are dangerous and cannot be trusted.
Despite that reputation, most Fae are actually kind and oddly charming. They pride themselves on being good hosts and they are very colorful both in the things they choose to wear and in regards to their skin tones.

Basic Information


The Fae have a skeletal build similar to your standard homo sapien, however, while in their natural form they average out at around a 6 inch height. In their "Yidu" form the Fae people have magical wings that appear to be made up of energy. Despite the fact these wings are materialized magic and nothing more, the Fae are able to fly easily and with little effort on their part.
Fae people are able to change their size to one closer to the average mortal, however, in order to power this transformation the Fae in question must temporarily sacrifice their wings and antennae by pulling them into their body. The magic from their wings will focus and expand once inside them, which then allows the Fae to grow to a medium or average size class.
Unlike most race of Eden, the Fae have small antennae poking up from the top of their foreheads, and long, pointed ears that stick straight out from the sides of their heads.

Biological Traits

The Fae can shift between two forms, their Yidu form where they have their magical wings and full access to their powers, and their Yayœ form where they convert the Tari from their wings in order to grow to the size of an average mortal. In their Yayœ form they still look the same excluding their wings and antennae, however, their magic usage becomes limited.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive organs of a Fae are the same as the average humans, however, most Fae fear giving birth without the aid of their Shalě. The Shalě belong to a specially trained priesthood who worship the goddess Myamya by swearing their lives to The Path of Natura. The Shalě are able to take the seed of an average flower and through prayer and ancient magic they can convert the seed into a Binding seed. The seed must be planted in the pregnant Faes yard, and it can only be watered using the urine of the mother in question, with the exception of natural rainfall. Once the child is born the seed will grow into a Spriggan instantaneously and it will seek out the child so it can resonate with their aura. After that the binding is complete and the Fae babe will be considered healthy and safe. The purpose of this tradition is based on the fear that if the Fae child isn't bound to a Spriggan at birth it'll fade back into an illusion as their ancestors before them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Due to their staggering lifespans, the Fae follow the average mortal growth patterns up until their teens. A Fae is still considered a teen until the age of 200, and they physically stop growing midway through their teen life stage. It's structured this way because it is believed by their people that even at the age of 200, the mental and emotional maturity of the Fae in question requires more time to learn and grow.

Kabi/Infant Faeling/Child Zhěsu/Teen Dě Pomǎyi/Y.A Pomǎyi/Adult Mid-Aged Fo/Elder
0 - 2 2 - 13 13 - 200 200 - 500 500 - 1000 1000 - 5000 10,000 +

Once a Fae lives long enough to reach its Elder life stage the prefix, "Zarœ will be added to their name. For example, if the Fae in question was named "Fija," her name would become Zǎrœfija. The word "zǎrœ" roughly translates to "honored" in the Faeyn language.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Each Fae has a connection to their individually bound Spriggan, allowing them to make use of the Spriggans rare ability to sense when their counterpart is threatened or in danger. In most cases the Spriggan will know before the Fae does and it'll arrive out of the blue to warn them of the impending dangers.

  All Fae have a pair of antennae poking out from the top of their forehead. It was initially assumed by foreign races that these were purely aesthetic, however, it has recently been proven that the Fae are able to use these antennae to detect certain types of magic. This is why they can usually tell the difference between what's real, or what's illusionary.

  The most well known and likely envied innate ability possessed by the Fae is their natural affinity for spellcasting. In most cases they use illusion based magic, however, they have been known to dip into other schools of magic as well.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

After the Fae people were settled in Fyorah and Myamya moved the disease from them she then bound each Fae individually to a special seed she had grown from her hair while they were traveling. The seeds would glow and pulse with energy, and each was able to produce a woodland soul. When the seeds hatched the souls released and they entered the Fae people, however, the tree-like creatures that had grown to produce the souls continued to function as if they were a part of their bound Fae. The Fae people decided to call these creatures, Spriggan.
Considering the fact that the Spriggan were soul-bound, whenever a Fae died their Spriggan would pass as well.
When the Fae souls left their bodies, the seed of their Spriggan would form magically, growing as close to a pregnant Fae mother as possible. This was the only way to ensure the Fae remained real physical beings, and it prevented their souls from being re-harvested by their Faeward goddess upon death.
The Fae and their individual Spriggan share a close bond, and though some Spriggan like to keep their distance they all approach their bonded Fae when they sense impending danger in order to warn them. Most of the time, the Spriggan will take the form of a branch version of their Faes spirit animal. The reason for this phenomena is unknown.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The Fae are fascinated by what they find unique, so they each do their best to make sure they personalize their appearance so they're able to stand out. In addition to the previous statement, the average Fae also likes vibrant colors, artists, and musicians.
For example, some Fae wear antlers, or adorn themselves in flowers or rare stones and gems. Some will create colorful dyes and paint themselves, others will use tattoos or piercings. It really varies on the personality of the Fae.
The common belief is that they can use their unique looks to attract likeminded individuals.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The average Fae speaks Faeyn, the common tongue, and usually at least two other languages. They live a long time, so most learn a few.

Common Taboos

Most Fae are superstitious due to their abnormal history. Their most forbidden taboo is speaking Oma's name. In fact, the Fae are so afraid of their Faeward goddess that they don't even have a name for her in their native language. This is because many believe by speaking her name you reveal your location to her and she could come and steal you away to the Fayde.
With their superstitious nature they often keep an eye out for omens, just in case the gods are trying to send them messages.
Below are several common Fae omens.
Good Omens Bad Omens
Hummingbirds, Hymwyrs, flowers in bloom out of season,
rainfall, finding a single feather, Shroomies dancing, lost couples in need of shelter.
Brambles of Despair, Seeds of Despair, dead birds, looking into mirrors at night,
portals, rifts, broken promises, dead flowers, Shroomies fuming


The Imagining

In the beginning The Fayde was a parallel to Eden, however, it remained in a state of perpetual emptiness. The exceptions, being Oma and the Illios keep. The lonely goddess watched the surface of Eden above her and wished to join reality, but no matter her desperation she could not reach the other side. Instead, Oma decided to build her own Eden, one that mirrored the world above, but this world would be built as she saw it not as the original creator had.
Once she finished laying the land, she peered back up at Eden to watch the people. Dwarves, Elves, the Sylph, and all kinds of beasts roamed Edens surface while her lands lie bare. She went to sleep that eve dreaming of lovely winged creatures who resembled the elves and when she awoke, there were the Fae. Once she realized she was the one who had created these illusory creatures, she began to make more. First hundreds, then thousands, but it was never enough. Her need for a true bond grew into a wicked desperation. What first were her imaginary friends, then became her play things. The Fae began to fear their Faeward goddess. Nowhere was safe from her reach within the Fayde, and yet nowhere outside of the Fayde was safe for them either. For if a Fae stepped foot into reality they would simply cease to be...

The Prayer

Deep within the Fayde's Faywilds, a young boy played along with 3 other Fae children. They liked to imagine that the flowers were dancing along with them, and every so often, they would. One day while fooling around a strange portal opened in the middle of the clearing and a lovely, red eyed woman emerged. The children were curious, however, the flora had suddenly grown hostile. The plants began to attack the children and the stranger, but the woman soon became enraged. She spread her arms open wide and pressed a massive gust of wind out from all around her, knocking the children and the plants to the ground. The plants faded away, as did one of the children. The other two Faelings fled, however, the young boy stayed to set the strange woman straight. He flapped his little wings and placed himself at eye level.
"Hey!" He screamed. "How could you do that and risk my friends safety!" The woman froze in place before slowly turning to face him.
"You... You're sentient?" She asked, looking him in the eye. Her demeanor had shifted from determination, to concern.
"Of course I am. We all are." He replied in confusion.
"But, you're illusions. You're not real." She stated, her tone colder than intended. She waited for the inevitable. For the moment this poor Faeling faded into oblivion as they all did when faced with the reality of their true nature, but the child shook his head in response.
"I'm as real as I need to be, to be the real me." He said with a smile. The woman laughed aloud and had the child lead her back to his kin. She learned the ways of the Fae people and told as many as possible to place their faith in a religion called The Path of Natura if they wished to be free of the Fayde, and after her long stay the Fae decidedly called her, "Pinœ da Moko" due to the fact her winds were so powerful the even the illusions would dip and sway within her gusts.
After many moons of prayer the small boy was approached by a worried couple who were seeking their missing child. He offered them shelter in a small cave he liked to explore and decided to search for their missing kin throughout the night. As day turned into dusk the boy search high and low until eventually, he came across a small child. He approached the child only to have the child yell out that he was very sick, and if the Faeling helped him he'd risk catching his sickness and spreading it to the other Fae. The young boy was worried about the disease, however, he was more worried for the safety of the sick child, so despite his warnings, the Fae boy returned to the cave with the child. As they entered the cave mouth the couple clapped and each transformed into their true forms. The man turned mostly to stone and a large, mossy beard sprouted out from his face. The womans flesh turned a vibrant green and flora began to grow out of her hair as vines climbed her limbs, and the small child stretched tall into a man with a head coated in black flames. The Fae boy stared on in wonder and confusion as the couple explained that they were the pair worshipped in the religion, the Path of Natura. The moss bearded man introduced himself as Irde, god of rock, stone, and nature, whereas the woman introduced herself as Myamya, goddess of growth, plants, fertility, and Natura. Then the boy turned and asked the third man his name. The third man laughed and told him that he didn't need to know his name, however, if he truly wanted to know it he'd have to learn it for himself. The boy said that it sounded hard to find the name of a stranger, but the man simply replied, "where there's a will there's a way." So the boy then turned to Irde and asked the third mans name. He laughed out loud as Irde told the Fae child that the strangers name was Hades, god of both the souls within, and the will used to govern them. Hades explained to the boy that when he chose to place a stranger's wellbeing over his own instincts of self-preservation he had earned Myamyas sympathy and in turn, the pair would help the Fae escape the Fayde, however, he was now the carrier of a rather aggressive disease and in order to save his people, he would first need to infect them. The key concern with migrating the Fae into the Mortal realm was the fact that they weren't technically real, so when passing into reality they would simply cease to exist. The disease was going to solve that problem by infecting them with something real enough to allow them to enter the Mortal realm safely.
So the young boy travelled all throughout the Fayde infecting more people with each town he passed through up until the Pair told him to gather the Fae on the tallest mountain, the mirror to Mordu. Once gathered, The Pair opened a large portal that they called "the back door," and sent the Fae into the mortal realm. They stopped the boy before he jumped through and told him the final test of their survival. The Fae must be willing to migrate to the deepest forest in Eden, where Myamya would reward them by removing the disease and gifting them something special to tether them to the Mortal realm. The boy agreed to share this news with the rest of the Fae and Irde told him that as a reward for being their messenger he'd bless the boy with a beard as majestic as his own. The boy crinkled his nose and told the god to his face that his beard looked gross and dirty. Offended, Irde responded by saying the child was being a dick. The poor child whose native language was very different mistook this insult for a title and wore it like a badge of honor, taking the name he thought he'd been called, Eddiq. It wasn't until his true introduction to the rest of the mortal races that he chose his full name as Eddiq Smalz.

The Great Migration

When the Fae first stepped foot through the portal they surfaced from within the mountain Mordu, which was already inhabited by the Dwarves. The Dwarves were reasonably upset and initially assumed that it was an invasion due to the staggering number of Fae that suddenly appeared. Through enough chats with young Eddiq who was now considered a representative of the Fae people, the Dwarves came to understand the unique circumstances that caused their sudden arrival. They fed many of the Fae and allowed them to stay until dawn, but after that they would need to settle elsewhere as the Dwarves had lain claim to all mountains across the eastern coast and it was not ideal to pick a fight against a race built by the goddess of war.
The first night on Eden many Fae suffered from exhaustion as they were not used to needing sleep. By dawn of the second day they set out on their way, though they were quickly introduced to the gnawing ache of hunger. Hundreds died throughout their travels, but eventually they figured out the basics of foraging. The next great trial to pass was the threat of exposure. Storms, heatwaves, extreme cold. None of these natural phenomena were anticipated by the Fae, so unfortunately they suffered great losses. It wasn't until they'd reached the midlands that they realized their size was part of the problem. Larger predators had picked off a vast majority of their flock and they needed to find a way to survive the rest of the trip to the forest farthest west. A Fae man who called himself Isolam stepped forward an explained that in the Fayde, he'd learned a way to absorb his tari wings and use that magic to grow himself larger. They set up a camp and spent around a week teaching each other how to use this ability. Once a majority of the adults had it figured out they packed up and set on their way. By the time they finally reached the westernmost forest only 1/4 of their population had survived the migration. Myamya awaited them with open arms and 32 acres of trees grown with the knotholes to house them, however, there was one final problem. Energy cannot be erased, only moved or converted. Now they would need to deal with the disease. Many differing solutions were offered, but the daughter of Isolam, Fidel, stepped forward.
"So many Fae lives have been lost on this journey home. I will watch my people suffer no longer. If a life at risk is the price to pay for our salvation, then it shall be mine." She proclaimed. She requested that the disease be stripped from all Fae and placed solely into her. Luckily for her Fidel survived the process, though not without some odd and unfortunate side effects. The disease manifested in such a way that it altered Fidel's magic, causing her to gain a proficiency with disease and curse based magic. Her lovely features turned pale, her lips turned grey, and she always looked ill.
In order to tether the Fae to Eden, Myamya gifted each one a special seed that they would need to plant and care for by watering and focusing their tari into them as they sprouted. After enough Fae energy saturated the seeds they broke through the ground and grew into Spriggan. Each Spriggan then resonated with their individual Fae and they became bonded, allowing the Fae to travel freely without Fading. To this day the Spriggan still serve as the Fae roots to the Mortal Realm.

Historical Figures

Eddiq Smalz
The most renown of the Fae people by far, Eddiq is the Faeling who passed the test of the Pair, allowing the Fae to become real. In addition to this, he was later gifted 1,000,000 lives by Irde thus earning him the title, Yayœ da Běnyizě . He used this gift to fight alongside the Guardians during the War of Gods, and even after the fighting stopped he continued to contribute to the betterment of Eden. He was captured by the human governments of Myrusi and accused of aiding the Guardians in the fall of Atlantis, and despite his pleas of innocence he was sentenced to death. After failing to permanently kill him over 100 times, Eddiq suggested that he donate 100 lives to medical research as a form of punishment. There was much debate about this decision, but in the end it was agreed and Eddiq paid the price for a crime he did not commit. There were many attempts made by the Fae people to liberate Eddiq from Myrusi, however, he went missing during The Cleanse. No one has seen him since.
Isølam Nyǔkø
Isolam was the first Fae to learn how to change size and contributed to the success of the Great Migration. For that, when they arrived in Fyorah, Isolam was crowned king. To this day he is still serving as their immortal monarch.
Fiděl Nyǔkø
Fidel was the young girl who offered to become the bearer of all Fae disease, allowing her people to get well and tether to the Spriggan without delay. She was a kind young girl and luckily for her the disease wasn't harmful enough to kill her all the way. She roamed Fyorah in a state of half death, slowly appearing more and more like a pale ghost. She watched as her sister Danyěpa received all the attention from her father and potential lovers and day by day her heartache grew more intense. She was still beautiful on the inside, but no one would give her the light of day in fear of catching her disease.
While observing a Bœn Ipǔ ritual, the human meant to be healed began to have a seizure and Fidel found out that with her touch she was able to absorb diseases. She then spent several years learning to properly harness this ability while healing others only to learn that each time she healed someone it killed her faster. She then took a vow not to heal anymore so she could teach others how to use her healing spells. 30 years of upholding her vow when suddenly her sister fell ill. The disease was new, it was like nothing anyone had ever seen before and it appeared to be consuming her from the inside, turning her organs into rot. Fidel was placed in a difficult situation. For fear of losing her sister, Fidel took the risk and absorbed the disease. What she didn't realize at the time was that this particular disease was caused by a curse. Fidel fell to the floor and as her sister arose, Fidel died. Moments later her eyes fluttered open, only something was different. Fidel couldn't breathe, and though that seemed like a reason to panic she couldn't help but feel oddly content. Her lungs felt numb, as if they had fallen asleep for too long. She rose to her feet and her sister cheered, but Fidel felt nothing. Just a hollow quiet. Pressing her fingers to her neck, no heartbeat welcomed her touch. Only cold flesh remained where warmth once pulsed through her. It was then that Vox entered the room. He began whispering sweet nothings to Fidel. He told her that her diseases and undead nature didn't make her ugly or disfigured, but instead it made her unique. He told her that her sister was the cause for her envy and her death. There was only one way to truly be free... So Fidel murdered her sister using several different fatal diseases and fled Fyorah with Vox. She later became known as the Kězu Bechǎ. In modern day Fyorah she is said to only be a thing of nightmares, but those who once lived in her time know better.
Danyěpa Nyǔkø
In an effort to help a human child Danyěpa had happened upon in the woods as a Faeling, she brought the human to the king. Initially, the king was furious that she'd allowed anything other than a Fae within Fyorah, however, Danyěpa argued passionately that by helping the human she was honoring Myamya because the goddess loved mortals. Unable to refuse her logic, King Isolam told her she could help the human, but in order to lessen the risks to their people Danyěpa would have to use her illusory magic to pose as the human while they healed him. The human remained in Fyorah for 3 years while they treated his illness and during that time Danyěpa had lived as though she were him. She learned outsiders customs and how the world worked outside the forests. When the human was healed a ritual of memory alteration was done, allowing them to wipe the humans memory of ever being in Fyorah while instead implanting the memories that Danyěpa had made during her time living his life so that as he awoke later in his own bed he'd be none the wiser and at peak health.
This ritual went so well that it pleased Myamya and all crops and fruit bearing trees in Fyorah ripened overnight. The Fae perceived this as a reward for their efforts in aiding the mortals so it became a common rite of passage for all Faelings. The custom is now called the Bœn Ipǔ. This tradition is still being practiced.
Tiwe Ona
Also referred to as Kěgakě Pinœ (it's pronounced as /kɛˈgakɛ/, /piˈnœ/, and it loosely translates to "Withered Witch"), Tiwe once belonged to a powerful group of heroes that were dedicated to protecting mortals from Forsaken, and Divine servants. She fell in love with the leader of this group, Kykade Vobirkye, a soulmancer devout to The Grand Reaper. For many years they fought side by side with much success, however, one night they happened to bite off more than they could chew.
They followed intel that reported a Forsaken possessing mortals in Miden and were ambushed by a member of the The Abyssal Order who happened to be Apollyon. Tiwe watched as Apollyon funneled inside of her teammates and had them kill each other one by one. The final body he took in the battle was Kykade, and he used it to viciously attack Tiwe. She barely escaped with her life and plotted to set her lover free. By the time she caught up with him on the island of Adele he was too powerful to save, so instead she was force to kill him. She buried him there in the place he'd died and tried to carry on with her life, but unfortunately the guilt she bore from his death caused a lapse in her sanity. She began to hear him whispering, blaming her for his end and it drove her to return to his resting place to make sure he was really dead. When she dug up the grave of someone devout to The Grand Reaper she offended the god of death and as a punishment she was inflicted with a severe withering curse that caused the afflicted to wither away into a dried husk. As the days passed and she began to wither desperation set in, causing her to forsake her moral compass. She became increasingly violent and indifferent to those around her, though the true depths of her fall from grace struck when she made a deal with a Forsaken and allowed it to possess her in order to drink the lifeforce of other creatures to sustain her own life. Unlike other victims of Vampirism, Tiwe's victims looked withered due to the fact she was feeding to slow the effects of the curse. She grew so feared in northwest Birtham that the Guardians were forced to seal her inside small music box.
Chěku Shě
Known also as Wěwa Bě (it's pronounced as /wɛˈwa/, /bɛ/, and it translates loosely to "Many Faces"), Chěku is known historically as the most capable politician to walk Edens surface. His illusory abilities were so powerful that each time he met with another race he would appear as a person of the same race and ethnicity as the politician he was speaking to in order to faster foster the trust needed to make headway. Each time that same person saw him at any time after that, Chěku would always appear as the person that he or she first met with instead of what he actually looked like. He could be speaking on a stage and each individual person in the crowd would see him as if he were one of them. This ability was so well practiced that he could do this passively, earning him a place in several Fae history scrolls.
Vox Kagekejø
Vox was one of the first Faelings born to Eden during the great migration. This means he was born with the disease that first tethered the Fae to reality. Unfortunately for Vox, his people weren't accustomed to nor prepared to manage childbirth in the mortal realm, where the fresh concepts of pain, hunger, and exposure had only just introduced themselves to the Fae. Vox's mother passed away during the birthing process, leaving the poor child alone as his father had faded into a true illusion before they were able to leave the Fayde. Due to the fact he'd lost both parents, Vox was given the last name Kagekejø. This quickly became a trend, and each Fae that was orphaned was given the same last name before being shipped to the Dǔ Inø. Though poor Vox was orphaned before the Fae settled Fyorah and the hardest trials of the Great Migration had only just begun, leaving most Fae in a fight or flight mentality. Vox suffered for the two years following as none could open their arms to the burden of another child when theirs were already struggling. When Vox was just three years old and the Fae were but a weeks journey to the Forest where Fyorah would be built, Vox was separated from the group during a massive storm. Cold, wet, and alone, Vox tried his best to find his people, but he ended up roaming the wrong direction. For several days the Faeling starved and struggled until he was attacked by a pack of hungry wolves. Midway through the attack while the boy was broken and bruised, a stranger appeared and said,
"If you help me, I'll help you."
Desperate and unaware of what he was agreeing to, Vox said yes and the stranger opened his mouth and released a sound so terrifying that the wolves fled. He picked up the Faeling and carried him to a strange ritual altar. Another man arrived and together they performed a ritual so dark that it permanently stained Vox's soul. Vox later became known as Shěrœ da Wǎnø after aiding in the systematic self destruction of several small towns. During The Cleanse, Vox was seen spreading chaos indiscriminately through both humanity and the Gifted Children, which ultimately ended with humanity being wiped to near extinction before becoming enslaved. Due to these actions, Vox ended up being stripped of his wings and sent back to the Fayde by what little remained of the Guardians.
Chugǎ Wǔgě
An extremist found to worship the old Faeward faith, Chugǎ learned from the best casters that the Fae had to offer seeing as he was born of noble blood. Being an Eden born child, he always wondered about the unconditional love and devotion Oma had for her devout and it upset him that the Fae had abandoned her. He understood her loneliness and wanted to remedy her pain. He scoured Birtham until he found the home of the legendary Witch of Winds and stole a sacred scroll. After returning home he targeted Pekěsěpa, a market town full of Fae passing through Fyorah, and cast a spell called Fayde Bound. Within moments the entire town and all of its inhabitants sunk into the Fayde. Now drunk on power, Chugǎ decided that he was no longer going to exclude the rest of Edens races from the love of his goddess so he began to devise a plan to merge the two realms so the Fayde would crash into reality. His plan was efficient and may have worked but unfortunately for him, while trying to merge what's real with what was not he crossed into Emerets domain and was force to fight the god head to head. This exchange ended with Chugǎ being dragged back to Fyorah, turned into a tree, and having hundreds of holes drilled into him so all the Fae who had lost their homes during his escapades could start anew inside him.
Ita Nyœdǔ
Ita was a general of the Fae army in the early 1800's BN who led a defensive push against the invading army of Calioul. The human warriors attacked from the western coast in an attempt to seize Fyorah so they could sweep through Techtorton in an unexpected assault, however, Ita stood in the first open clearing with what looked to be an army of 50,000 strong. The warriors of Calioul were shocked by their numbers, but they still rushed to attack the static army. Before the human army could exit the forest, the actual Fae army dropped down onto them from the trees above while the rest of the Fae circled in to flank the Calioul warriors. Unable to retreat to their ships, the warriors were massacred. Ita was celebrated as a decorated general as not only had she conjured an illusory army of 50,000 and sustained it long enough to trick the invaders, but she was also cloaking the actual Fae army from sight at the same time.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Fae have long lifespans, meaning that eventually most reach a point of mental maturity that they begin to experiment outside the bounds of what is seen as "normal." Many Fae participate in interspecies relations so their average sexuality is veiwed as complex when in all reality it's usually related to how well they bond with another person.

Scientific Name
Illios Imorte Sentio (more commonly known as Illios Sentio)
A Fae will live until it is killed.
Average Height
Yidu form - 6 inches. Yayœ form - 5 to 5'9"
Average Weight
Fae technically weigh nothing. Their "weight" is whatever their Spriggan tether weighs.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
The Fayde
Geographic Location | Jul 31, 2023
Faeward Faith
Organization | Nov 26, 2023
The Way of Natura
Organization | Jul 31, 2023
The Path of Natura
Organization | Aug 29, 2024

Cover image: by Briam-Cute


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Sep 9, 2023 20:06

I love that twist on changelings! Especially it being a rite of passage, meaning that all young fae get a thorough, in-person education on humans. How long has it been going on? Have mortals noticed that sometimes illnesses aren't as fatal as they thought? If they don't know about the fae, to what do they attribute these miracles? Or do they take them for granted now?

From The River to The Ocean, a civilization grows up.
Sep 12, 2023 03:00 by Katarina D.M. Ewert

Thanks! They've followed this tradition for close to 9,000 years in honor of the goddess Myamya. Some mortals have indeed noticed the drastic changes from someone who was terminally ill one day, yet fine the next, though they actually believe these instances to be blessings or miracles granted by their favored deity. They aren't sure how else to explain it as the Fae will take this secret to the grave. It isn't about the potential gratitude of mortals, it's about devotion to their faith. Unfortunately, the mortals actually fear the Fae as some have been caught changing form under prying eyes. They are mostly feared because they are incredibly magical and mortals believe they are stealing their children and replacing them with changelings.

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